How does the skin change during the menstrual cycle?

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Key Takeaways

  • Your skin changes over the course of your cycle.
  • Depending on the phase of your cycle, you can support it with different skincare products.
  • The experts from Junglück share their tips.

In cooperation with Junglück

Diet, stress and alcohol consumption have an effect on our skin. Hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle also have an impact on the appearance of our skin. We spoke to the experts at Junglück, a young label that produces natural cosmetics and skincare products. Below you can find out which skincare products will help you look after your skin in different phases of your cycle.

Hormones influence the appearance of our skin

Hormone levels fluctuate during the different phases of the menstrual cycle. This is often noticeable through skin blemishes. The monthly cycle is controlled by the hormones oestrogen and progesterone. When sufficient oestrogen is present, the skin produces less sebum and promotes water retention in the skin. This gives the skin a plump appearance. Progesterones are female sex hormones that are increasingly produced in the second half of the menstrual cycle. They stimulate sebum production, which is why the skin appears oilier and there is an increase in spots and blackheads.

How the skin changes in individual cycle phases

Cycle phase 1: During your period, the skin is often dry, dull and sensitive. This is due to low oestrogen levels, which cause the skin to lack moisture. During this phase, you should refrain from testing new skincare products so as not to irritate your skin unnecessarily.

Junglück tip: Use mild skin care products containing hyaluronic acid or a hyaluronic acid concentrate, as hyaluronic acid penetrates deep into the skin to nourish it. A hemp oil mask also helps.

Cycle phase 2: The second cycle phase is also known as the “follicular phase”, as follicles form on the surface of the ovary. The follicular phase begins on the first day after your period. During this phase, the uterine lining is built up and the body prepares for the fertilization of the egg. The oestrogen concentration increases, which makes the skin look firmer.

Junglück tip: You can help your skin to rid itself of dead skin cells with fruit acid peels. Particularly suitable: an AHA peeling.

Cycle phase 3: In the third phase of the cycle, oestrogen is at its peak and the skin is particularly resilient. Use this phase to help your skin strengthen its protective barrier for the next phase.

Junglück tip: Use vitamin C serums to stimulate your skin's collagen production and even out your complexion. Products containing antioxidants help to protect your skin from free radicals from the environment, which otherwise lead to cell damage in the skin.

Cycle phase 4: In the fourth cycle phase, testosterone rises rapidly and oestrogen levels fall. As a result, the skin becomes more oily and our pores become clogged. The clogged pores often lead to blackheads. If the blackheads become inflamed, pimples develop.

Junglück tip: Use Pickepast, BHA peelings and clay masks during this time.

What else you can do

Continuous skin care is an important part of a clear complexion. We also recommend that you track your cycle to record changes in your skin on a daily basis. You can do this with the Ovy App in combination with the Ovy Thermometer, for example.

References & Literature

  1. Sundström-Poromaa, I., Comasco, E., Sumner, R., Luders, E. Progesterone - Friend or foe?. In: Front Neuroendocrinol. 2020 Oct;59:100856. doi: 10.1016/j.yfrne.2020.100856. Epub 2020
  2. Raghunath, R. S., Venables, C., Millington, W. M. The menstrual cycle and the skin. In: Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, Volume40, Issue2. 2015