Ovy Magazine

SchwangerschaftEine Frau mit Babybauch sitzt in Sportkleidung auf einer Yogamatte. Es symbolisiert Beckenbodentraining.

Pelvic floor training made easy: Your way to more strength after childbirth

The time after childbirth brings many new challenges, and one of the most important is to strengthen your pelvic floor. A healthy pelvic floor is fundamental to your health, especially after the bi...

SchwangerschaftStillen Entscheidung

To breastfeed or not to breastfeed? What you need to know to make the right choice

Are you faced with the decision of whether or not to breastfeed? This question is on the minds of many expectant mothers, and it is completely normal for you to be concerned about it. The decision ...

Schwangerschaft10 Tipps für das Wochenbett: Die ersten Wochen nach der Geburt

10 tips for a relaxed postpartum period: the first few weeks after the birth

Have you been wondering how to best get through the first few weeks after your baby is born? The postpartum period is a special time full of new experiences, physical changes and emotional challeng...


Creating a birth plan made easy: Your checklist for a stress-free birth

Did you know that about 60% of births go differently than planned? That may sound unsettling at first. But here comes the good news: women* with a well-thought-out birth plan feel significantl...

SchwangerschaftFrau geburt. Geburtshaus oder Krankenhaus?

Birth center or hospital: Which is best for your birth?

Are you faced with the important decision between a birth center or hospital for the birth of your child? This choice is one of the most significant moments of your pregnancy and deserves careful c...

SchwangerschaftSodbrennen schwangerschaft

How to effectively relieve heartburn during pregnancy

Do you know the burning sensation in the chest that particularly torments you after eating or lying down? You are not alone – about 80% of all pregnant women experience heartburn during their pregn...

Schwangerschaftschlaflosigkeit schwangerschaft

How to effectively combat insomnia during pregnancy

Do you lie awake at night wondering if other pregnant women also have such sleep problems? You are not alone – insomnia during pregnancy affects up to 78% of expectant mothers. From physical discom...

Schwangerschaftgeburt arten

The ultimate guide: What are the different types of birth and their specifics?

Are you about to decide how your baby should be born? The question “What are the different types of birth?” is on the minds of many expectant mothers, because the choice of birth type is one of the...

Schwangerschaftgeburtsplan geburtsort

Choosing the place of birth: tips for making an informed decision

Where would you like to give birth to your child? This decision is one of the most important moments of your pregnancy and will have a significant influence on your birth experience. The choice of ...

Ultraschall Geschlecht bestimmen

When Can You Find Out Your Baby's Gender? Everything About Ultrasound

Are you one of the many expectant parents eagerly waiting to learn your baby’s gender? This question is on the minds of many pregnant women, and you're not alone. Gender determination through ultra...

Schwangerschaftrückenschmerzen schwangerschaft

10 Tips to Prevent Back Pain During Pregnancy

Are you one of the many expectant mothers who suffer from back pain during pregnancy? This discomfort affects about 70 % of all pregnant women and can range from mild pulling to severe pain in the ...

Schwangerschaftdehnungsstreifen schwangerschaft

How to effectively prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

Are you worried about stretch marks during your pregnancy? These common skin changes affect up to 90% of pregnant women*. Your skin undergoes significant changes during pregnancy, but you can activ...

SchwangerschaftFehlgeburt Frau Trauer

Pregnancy risk factors and miscarriage: an overview

Pregnancy is an exciting and emotional time for expectant parents. However, despite advances in medicine, there are still risks that can lead to complications or a miscarriage. Being aware of these...

Schwangerschaftpaar schwangerschaft

How Does the Body Change During Pregnancy: An Overview

Are you expecting a baby and wondering how your body will change during pregnancy? The physical changes during pregnancy are many and varied and often begin in the first few weeks after conception....