Ovy Magazine

SchwangerschaftVerhütung nach der Geburt: Was Mütter wirklich wissen müssen

Contraception After Birth: What Mothers Need To Know

Contraception After Birth – What You Should Know Did you know that ovulation can occur before your first period after childbirth? This fact surprises many mothers and highlights the importance of a...

SchwangerschaftEine Frau mit Babybauch sitzt in Sportkleidung auf einer Yogamatte. Es symbolisiert Beckenbodentraining.

Pelvic floor training made easy: Your way to more strength after childbirth

The time after childbirth brings many new challenges, and one of the most important is to strengthen your pelvic floor. A healthy pelvic floor is fundamental to your health, especially after the bi...

SchwangerschaftFehlgeburt Frau Trauer

Pregnancy risk factors and miscarriage: an overview

Pregnancy is an exciting and emotional time for expectant parents. However, despite advances in medicine, there are still risks that can lead to complications or a miscarriage. Being aware of these...

Schwangerschaftblutungen frühschwangerschaft

How to Respond to Bleeding in Early Pregnancy

Bleeding in early pregnancy can be frightening and bring up many questions. You’re not alone—about one in four pregnant women experiences bleeding in the first weeks of pregnancy. How you should re...

VerhütungSterilisation Frau: Ablauf und Kosten im Überblick

Female Sterilization: Procedure and Costs Overview

Are you considering a permanent contraceptive method and wondering if sterilization might be right for you? Female sterilization is a final step in family planning that should be carefully thought ...

KinderwunschSocial Freezing: Der Ablauf Schritt für Schritt erklärt

Social Freezing: Preserving Fertility and Planning Parenthood on Your Terms

Are you considering keeping the option open to have children later but not ready to commit yet? The process of social freezing gives you the chance to extend your fertile years and plan your family...

WissenFrau vor Skyline

The invisible danger: environmental toxins and fertility

Have you ever wondered how environmental toxins might affect your fertility? In our modern world, you are exposed to a variety of chemicals and pollutants daily, often without realizing their impac...

WissenMythos oder Fakt? Gleichen sich Menstruationszyklen von Freund:innen an?

Myth or Fact? – Do Friends' Menstrual Cycles Synchronize?

Have you ever wondered why your period sometimes seems to synchronize with your friends'? This phenomenon, known as menstrual synchronization, fascinates both laypeople and researchers alike and ha...

WissenMenstruationszyklus verstehen: So individuell ist dein Zyklus

Understanding the Menstrual Cycle: How Unique Your Cycle Is

The menstrual cycle is a fascinating process in the lives of those who menstruate. This natural process, governed by the interplay of various hormones in the body, influences not only fertility but...

WissenWarum du deinen Zyklus verfolgen solltest: Vorteile und Tipps

Why You Should Track Your Cycle: Benefits and Tips

Understanding your own menstrual cycle can play a transformative role in a woman's life. Tracking your cycle not only helps you get to know your body better but also promotes proactive health aware...

WissenUnregelmäßiger Zyklus: Welche Zykluslänge ist noch normal?

Irregular Cycle: What Cycle Length is Still Normal?

The average cycle duration varies from woman* to woman* and can be influenced by a variety of factors, including hormonal fluctuations, stress, certain health conditions like PCOS and endometriosis...

WissenMeditation Stress und Zyklus

Stress und Zyklus: Warum die Periode ausbleiben kann

Stress hat viele Gesichter und beeinflusst unseren Körper auf vielfältige Weise, oft mehr, als wir realisieren. Eine der deutlichen Auswirkungen von anhaltendem psychischem oder körperlichem Stress...

WissenSo wirken sich Hormone auf deinen Trainingserfolg aus

How hormones affect your training success

The human body is a complex system in which hormones play a crucial role in various physiological processes. In particular, the natural hormonal cycle in women* can have an influence on athletic pe...

Tippsgynäkologische Untersuchung, Vorsorge beim Frauenarzt

Gynecological screening: How to prepare

The annual examination by gynecologists is called "gynecological screening", "gynecological cancer screening" or "cancer screening". This is a routine examination aimed at ruling out two of the mos...