Ovy Magazine

KinderwunschSchwangerschaftstest: Wann zeigt er ein sicheres Ergebnis?

Pregnancy Test: When Does It Show a Reliable Result?

Are you excited and wondering when a pregnancy test will provide a reliable result? This is a common question for many women who suspect they might be pregnant. A pregnancy test can quickly give yo...

KinderwunschDie häufigsten Fehler bei Schwangerschaftstests und wie du sie vermeidest

The Most Common Mistakes with Pregnancy Tests and How to Avoid Them

A pregnancy test can be an emotional moment, whether you are hoping to be pregnant or not. That's why it's important to know how to avoid common mistakes and get accurate results. In this article, ...

KinderwunschImpfung Schwangerschaft

Vaccinations during pregnancy: protection for mother and child

Are you pregnant or planning to be? Then it's important to familiarize yourself with vaccinations during pregnancy. Protection against certain diseases during this special time greatly impacts your...

KinderwunschSchwangerschaftstest falsch? So sicher sind die Ergebnisse

Pregnancy test wrong? How reliable are the results

Have you ever taken a pregnancy test and then wondered how reliable the result is? You’re not alone. Many women question how accurate their test really is, especially when it comes to false positiv...

KinderwunschTSH-Wert und Kinderwunsch: Die Rolle der Schilddrüse bei der Fruchtbarkeit

TSH levels and the desire to have children: the role of the thyroid gland in fertility

Are you trying to conceive and wondering what role your thyroid might play? TSH levels and fertility are closely linked, making thyroid health a crucial factor on your path to parenthood. Your thyr...

KinderwunschSchlafprobleme: Ein unterschätzter Faktor für Fruchtbarkeit

Sleep problems: an underestimated factor for fertility

Have you ever wondered how your sleep habits might affect your fertility? Sleep problems and fertility are more closely linked than many people realize. Healthy sleep greatly impacts your hormone b...

KinderwunschSchwanger werden: Die Rolle der Darmgesundheit

Getting pregnant: The role of gut health

Have you ever wondered what role your gut health plays in getting pregnant? In fact, gut health has a significant impact on your fertility. Probiotics can help you get pregnant by supporting your m...

KinderwunschEisprung vorhersagen: Zervixschleim und Ovulationstests richtig nutzen

Predicting Ovulation: Proper Use of Cervical Mucus and Ovulation Tests

Ovulation, alongside menstruation, is one of the two major "events" in the female cycle, particularly for women with a desire to conceive. The question "When is ovulation?" concerns many, as it mar...

KinderwunschEizellqualität verbessern: Ernährung und Fitness im Fokus

Improve egg quality: Focus on nutrition and fitness

Are you looking to increase your chances of getting pregnant? The quality of your eggs plays a crucial role in your fertility. Many women wonder how they can improve their egg quality to boost thei...

KinderwunschOptimale Spermienqualität: Ernährung und Sport im Fokus

Optimal sperm quality: focus on nutrition and sport

Are you looking to improve your sperm quality? The health of your sperm plays a crucial role in your fertility and family planning. Factors such as diet, lifestyle, and physical activity are key in...

KinderwunschUnfruchtbarkeit: Das sind die häufigsten Ursachen bei beiden Geschlechtern

Infertility: The Most Common Causes in Both Genders

Infertility is a sensitive issue that affects many couples and often comes with psychological stress. Approximately one in six couples in Germany has difficulty conceiving naturally. The causes of ...

KinderwunschSchwanger werden: Die wichtigsten ersten Schritte

Getting Pregnant: The Most Important First Steps

The desire to get pregnant marks a significant milestone in the lives of many people and can also be a challenge. Numerous factors influence fertility, which can increase or decrease the likelihood...

KinderwunschJunge oder Mädchen – kann man das Geschlecht des Kindes beeinflussen?

Junge oder Mädchen – kann man das Geschlecht des Kindes beeinflussen?

Is it possible to influence in advance whether it will be a boy or a girl? There are wild theories about the procreation of the desired sex. The most widespread is the Shettles method named after i...

KinderwunschDrei Mythen über Fruchtbarkeit

The three biggest myths about fertility explained

Fertility is a topic that concerns many women*, especially if they want to have a child. But there are numerous myths and misinformation that persist and cause confusion. In this blog post, we want...