Gestational Diabetes and Preeclampsia: Risks in Pregnancy
Are you wondering about the potential risks that can accompany your pregnancy? Two common complications that deserve special attention are gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. These conditions ca...
Pregnant and Traveling: How to Travel Safely During Pregnancy
Are you planning a trip and expecting a baby? Traveling during pregnancy can be a wonderful experience, but it requires special care and planning. Whether you want to enjoy a vacation while pregnan...
Sport and massage during pregnancy: a guide
Are you pregnant and wondering if exercise and massage are suitable for you? Exercising during pregnancy has a positive impact on your health and that of your baby. Regular physical activity can he...
What to Do After a Positive Pregnancy Test? A Comprehensive Guide
You've just got a positive pregnancy test and are wondering: What now? This news can trigger a wave of emotions—from joy to uncertainty. A positive test indicates that your body is producing the pr...
Vaccinations during pregnancy: protection for mother and child
Are you pregnant or planning to be? Then it's important to familiarize yourself with vaccinations during pregnancy. Protection against certain diseases during this special time greatly impacts your...
First examination during pregnancy: important questions to ask your gynecologist
Are you pregnant and have your first gynecological appointment coming up? Congratulations! The first examination during pregnancy is an exciting moment. It offers you the chance to ask important qu...
Nutrition tips: What should you not eat during pregnancy?
Are you pregnant and wondering what foods you should avoid? A balanced diet is especially important now for your health and your baby's development. However, there are some foods you should avoid t...
Nausea During Pregnancy: Causes and Solutions
Are you pregnant and struggling with nausea? You are not alone. Nausea during pregnancy is a common experience that affects many expectant mothers. It often occurs in the early weeks of pregnancy a...
Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Can I get pregnant while breastfeeding?
You might be wondering if it's possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding. This question concerns many mothers who are looking to continue their family planning. The truth is, breastfeeding and b...
How safe is medication during pregnancy?
Are you wondering how safe medications are during pregnancy? This question concerns many expectant mothers, especially those with health issues or chronic conditions. Taking medication during pregn...
Pregnancy symptoms: The first signs at a glance
Are you curious if you might be pregnant? The symptoms of pregnancy can be varied and often appear early. Many women notice the first signs of pregnancy even before taking a test. From fatigue to m...
Schwangerschaft - Wie und wann eine richtige Hebamme finden?
Die Wahl der richtigen Hebamme ist ein entscheidender Schritt auf dem Weg durch die Schwangerschaft, Geburt und das Wochenbett. Aber wann ist der beste Zeitpunkt, um mit der Suche zu beginnen, und ...
Checkliste für die Kliniktasche: Was du zur Geburt wirklich mitnehmen solltest
“Ich packe meine Kliniktasche und nehme mit…” Die Vorbereitung auf die Geburt eines Kindes ist eine aufregende Zeit, und das Packen der Kliniktasche ist ein wichtiger Schritt, um sicherzustellen, d...
The baby is coming: these signs indicate the imminent birth
Birth is a complex biological process that often does not take place exactly on the calculated date of birth. So it becomes exciting already in the weeks before the calculated date. In the last wee...