
How to effectively relieve heartburn during pregnancy

Sodbrennen schwangerschaft

Key Takeaways

  • Heartburn during pregnancy affects many women*, but with the right measures you can effectively alleviate the discomfort.
  • In this article, you will find out how you can find quick help and prevent it in the long term with small dietary adjustments, home remedies and targeted posture.
  • Let these practical tips inspire you to relax and enjoy this special time of your pregnancy despite heartburn!

Do you know the burning sensation in the chest that particularly torments you after eating or lying down? You are not alone – about 80% of all pregnant women experience heartburn during their pregnancy.

Heartburn during pregnancy can be particularly challenging from the second trimester onwards. The good news is that there are many effective ways to significantly reduce the symptoms. From tried and tested home remedies to simple changes to your daily routine, the right strategies can make a big difference.

In this article, you will learn which measures really help against heartburn during pregnancy and how you can effectively treat the symptoms in each phase of your pregnancy.

The different phases of pregnancy heartburn

Heartburn will accompany you during your pregnancy with varying degrees of intensity. Between 40 and 80% of all pregnant women experience this discomfort, although the symptoms can manifest themselves differently from trimester to trimester.

First trimester: recognizing the early signs

Heartburn can occur even in early pregnancy, even if your baby is not yet taking up much space. This is because of your increased progesterone levels, which relax the muscles in your body. This also affects the sphincter between the oesophagus and stomach, allowing gastric acid to rise more easily.

Second trimester: preventive strategies

From the 20th week of pregnancy onwards, many women experience more severe symptoms. During this phase, your uterus starts to take up more space, putting increasing pressure on your stomach. Typical symptoms include:

  • burning behind the breastbone

  • sour taste in the mouth

  • burping with stomach acid

  • feeling of pressure in the upper abdomen

Third trimester: intensive treatment

Heartburn often reaches its peak in the last trimester of pregnancy – up to 80% of pregnant women are affected during this phase. The reasons for this are:

  • The growing uterus puts more pressure on the stomach

  • Digestion slows down further

  • The baby exerts pressure through its movements

  • The gastric sphincter remains relaxed

The symptoms can become more pronounced in the evening and at night. The good news is that the symptoms usually go away after the baby is born. Until then, it is important that you know and apply the countermeasures that are appropriate for your trimester.

Immediate measures for acute heartburn

If the burning sensation starts suddenly, you need quick and effective help. With the right immediate measures, you can quickly alleviate the unpleasant symptoms.

Quick help with posture

Your posture plays a crucial role in relieving heartburn. Heartburn is particularly noticeable at night because it is easier for gastric juices to flow back into the oesophagus when you are lying down. Positioning your upper body higher can provide immediate relief. Important posture tips:

  • Sleep on your left side with your upper body slightly elevated

  • Avoid lying down immediately after eating

  • Wear loose, non-constricting clothing.

Effective home remedies for when you're on the go

For acute discomfort when you're on the go, there are proven home remedies that you should always have on hand. These natural remedies can effectively neutralize stomach acid:

  • Almonds and nuts: Chew a few almonds or hazelnuts thoroughly – they bind excess stomach acid

  • Still water: a glass of still water dilutes the gastric acid and washes it back into the stomach

  • Potato juice: 5 millilitres of potato juice, taken two to four times a day, can work wonders

Breathing and relaxation techniques

A promising approach to relieving heartburn is the right breathing technique combined with relaxation exercises. Diaphragmatic breathing plays a special role here:

  • Practice regular, calm nasal diaphragmatic breathing

  • Gently place your hands on your stomach and breathe against this natural resistance

  • Do the exercises while sitting or in a slightly elevated position

Important: Stress can worsen the symptoms, so a relaxed lifestyle is generally helpful. Combine these emergency measures with a balanced diet and regular exercise for the best effect.

Remember: not every home remedy works equally well for every pregnant woman. Try out different methods and find out what helps you best. If your symptoms persist, you should always consult your doctor.

Holistic treatment approach

A holistic approach to treating heartburn during pregnancy can give you the best long-term relief. Scientific studies show that combining different methods is particularly effective.

Combining diet and exercise

The right combination of diet and exercise is the foundation of your treatment strategy. Studies show that small, frequent meals combined with moderate exercise significantly reduce symptoms in over 50% of pregnant women. Here are some tried and tested combinations:

  • Light meals + 15-minute walk

  • Magnesium-rich food + gentle pregnancy exercises

  • Balanced breakfast + morning stretching

  • Early evening meal + relaxing evening walk

Mental health and stress reduction

Stress can make your heartburn significantly worse. A generally relaxed lifestyle is therefore particularly important. Proven relaxation techniques:

The combination of breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation has proven to be particularly effective. Regular relaxation sessions can reduce the frequency of heartburn episodes by up to 40%.

Alternative healing methods

Complementary therapies can usefully supplement your treatment. Acupuncture has shown promising results – studies show that it can help pregnant women to eat and sleep better.

Other alternative methods that can help you:

  • Acupressure: targeted pressure point massage can alleviate discomfort

  • Ginger therapy: helps with nausea and heartburn at the same time

  • Potato juice therapy: the alkaline juice neutralizes excess stomach acid

It is particularly important to use these remedies regularly. A consistent holistic approach can significantly reduce the symptoms for about 75% of those affected. However, talk to your midwife or healthcare professional before starting any new form of therapy.

Combining these different approaches will help you develop a personalized treatment strategy that is optimally tailored to your needs. Keep a close eye on which methods work best for you and adjust your plan accordingly.

Partner support and social environment

The support of your partner can make a significant difference in helping you manage pregnancy heartburn. A joint approach not only helps you practically, but also strengthens you emotionally.

How partners can help

Your partner can play an important role in alleviating your symptoms. It is especially important to support them in maintaining their eating habits and developing a healthy routine. Here are some specific ways your partner can support you:

  • Accompanying you on digestive walks

  • Helping you to set up an elevated sleeping position

  • Reminding you to eat small, regular meals

  • Helping you prepare meals that are easy on the stomach

  • Providing still water and other suitable drinks

Planning meals together

Careful meal planning is key to preventing heartburn. Studies show that eating mindfully in a relaxed atmosphere has a positive effect on digestion. The following steps will help you plan meals together:

  1. Create a weekly meal plan for balanced meals

  2. Plan small portions throughout the day

  3. Prepare meals together

  4. Create a calm atmosphere for eating

  5. Take time to eat together and enjoy it

Important: Choose a quiet place for your meals and enjoy them in company. Studies show that conscious eating leads to better food utilization.

Emotional support

The emotional component plays an important role in coping with pregnancy complaints. Relaxation and stress reduction can significantly help to alleviate heartburn. Your partner can support you by:

  • Listening to your complaints

  • Helping you to implement relaxation techniques

  • Accompanying you to alternative healing methods such as acupuncture

  • Helping you develop a daily routine

Practical tip: Schedule specific times for relaxation exercises. Doing relaxation techniques regularly has been shown to improve symptoms.

Remember: Partner support is especially valuable when it comes to establishing and maintaining new habits. A partnership approach makes it easier to overcome the challenges of pregnancy heartburn.

Long-term prevention strategy

A successful strategy for preventing heartburn during pregnancy is based on long-term planning and consistent implementation. Studies show that four to five smaller meals spread throughout the day are significantly easier to tolerate than three large portions.

Develop a daily routine

Developing a fixed daily routine is the key to success. Research shows that pregnant women who eat their last meal at least three hours before going to bed suffer significantly less from nighttime heartburn. Your optimal daily routine could look like this:

  1. Breakfast in small portions

  2. Snack in the late morning

  3. Light lunch

  4. Afternoon snack

  5. Early, light dinner (no later than 7 p.m.)

  6. Relaxation period before going to bed

Pay particular attention to drinking between meals and not during meals. This will prevent additional stretching of the stomach.

Keep a food diary

A detailed food diary is a valuable tool for identifying your personal heartburn triggers. Important entries for your diary:

  • Time and type of meals

  • amount and type of drinks

  • occurrence of heartburn (time and intensity)

  • Physical activity

  • Stress level and emotional state

  • Sleep position and quality

Keeping a diary for at least two weeks allows you to recognize patterns and make appropriate adjustments. It's especially important to also document the foods that agree with you.

Create an exercise plan

Regular, moderate exercise can significantly reduce heartburn symptoms. Studies show that light physical activity aids digestion and reduces pressure on the stomach.

Recommended activities for your exercise plan:

  • Daily walks (20-30 minutes)

  • Gentle pregnancy exercises

  • Light stretching

  • Relaxing yoga positions

Important times for exercise:

  • In the morning before breakfast

  • After the main meals (short digestive walks)

  • In the early evening

Avoid intense exercise immediately after eating and make sure you are wearing comfortable, non-constricting clothing during activities.

Preventive measures in everyday life:

  • Wear loose clothing that does not press on the stomach

  • Sleep with your upper body slightly elevated

  • Avoid lying down after eating

  • Chew each bite thoroughly

For your nighttime routine, it is especially important to eat your last meal at least two to three hours before going to bed. Sleeping in an elevated position and lying on your left side can also help to reduce nighttime heartburn.

Particularly important for your diet:

  • Avoid known triggers such as caffeine, citrus fruits and spicy foods

  • Incorporate stomach-friendly foods like potatoes and oatmeal

  • Use natural remedies like almonds or bananas for acute symptoms

Monitor your reactions to different foods closely and adjust your plan accordingly. Keeping a food diary can help you identify and avoid individual triggers.


Heartburn during pregnancy can be a real inconvenience, but with the right strategies, you can significantly reduce the symptoms. A combination of a modified diet, regular exercise and targeted immediate measures forms the basis for successful treatment.

Your personal strategy should include both preventive measures and quick relief for acute symptoms. It is particularly important that you listen to your body and choose the methods that help you best – whether it's through dietary adjustments, exercise or supportive home remedies.

Remember: heartburn is a common pregnancy symptom, but the discomfort is temporary and usually goes away after you give birth. With the support of your partner, a well-thought-out diet plan and the right quick fixes, you can get through this time well and focus on what's most important – your pregnancy and your growing baby.

References & Literature

  1. Bund deutscher Hebammen (Hrsg.): Schwangerschaftsvorsorge durch Hebammen. Hippokrates. Stuttgart. 2005.
  2. Friese, Klaus; Rath, Werner (Hrsg.): Erkrankungen in der Schwangerschaft. Thieme. Stuttgart. 2005.
  3. Höfer, Silvia; Szász, Nora: Hilfe bei Schwangerschaftsbeschwerden. Gräfe & Unzer. München. 2016.
  4. Kainer, Franz Prof. Dr. med.; Nolden, Annette: Das große Buch zur Schwangerschaft. München. GU Verlag. 2018.
  5. Stadelmann, Ingeborg: Die Hebammen-Sprechstunde. Stadelmann Verlag. Wiggensbach. 2005.
  6. Vogt, Leonie: Reflux. Wissenswertes für Betroffene und Therapeuten. Schulz-Kirchner. Idstein. 2018.