Ovy App Lifetime-Mitgliedschaft mit GRATIS Bluetooth Thermometer

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Ovy App Lifetime Membership with Bluetooth Thermometer

Ovy App Lifetime Membership with Bluetooth Thermometer

€149,90 €178,90

✅ Eisprung, Periode und fruchtbare Tage berechnen.

✅ Mit passender Ovy Partner App.

✅ Mit Ärzt:innen entwickelt, basierend auf einer anerkannten Methode.

✅ Zertifiziertes Medizin-Produkt.

Ovy App

Your fertility companion to get pregnant

✓ Prediction of fertile window, day of ovulation and next period.

✓ Track data such as temperature, ovulation test results, pregnancy tests, and more with the Ovy App.

✓ Involve your partner in the planning process through the Ovy Partner App.

✓ Export and share a detailed cycle graph with healthcare professionals.

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Proved by gynecologists

Backed by science

An egg is fertilizable for a maximum of 12-24 hours per cycle. With the help of the Ovy App and the corresponding thermometer, you can determine your most fertile days. Based on your temperature and other data, such as LH tests (ovulation tests), the Ovy App's algorithm accurately calculates your cycle, allowing you to know precisely which days you can conceive.

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Made by mums

We helped 35,000 couples to conceive

We're here to support you on your journey because we truly understand. As mothers ourselves, we recognize the significance of precise and dependable calculations when it comes to family planning. Furthermore, having access to reliable and informative resources is crucial for gaining knowledge. That's what we offer with the Ovy App. We're ready whenever you are!

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