So sind Frauen* mit Ovy schwanger geworden

Ovy App und Thermometer

Erhöhe deine Chance auf eine Schwangerschaft

Yes Baby Box

Yes Baby Box

€99,90 €109,50

✓ Du hast einen Kinderwunsch? Mit der exklusiven Yes Baby Box erhältst du alle Produkte, die dir helfen, schwanger zu werden. 

✓ Das ist in deiner Box enthalten:  

  • 1 Ovy Bluetooth Thermometer 
  • 1 x 15 Ovy Ovulationstests* 
  • 1 x 2 Ovy Schwangerschaftstest 
  • 1 x Folio® fertil women
  • Beim Kauf des Ovy Thermometers erhältst du die Ovy Premium App 1 Monat gratis

* Das Testergebnis kannst du einfach mit der Ovy App fotografieren. Im Modus Kinderwunsch fließt das Ergebnis in die Berechnung deines Eisprungs ein. 

Was ist in der Box?

Ovy Bluetooth Thermometer

The popular Ovy Bluetooth thermometer is your daily companion. Together with the Ovy app, you can determine your fertile days in your cycle, your ovulation, your next period and much more based on your temperature.

Ovy Ovulation tests

The Ovy ovulation test is used to detect the ovulation hormone LH (luteinizing hormone) in urine. The LH level is measured with 99.9% accuracy. The result can be read after 10 minutes. The test result can be documented in the Ovy app.

Ovy pregnancy tests

The Ovy pregnancy test detects the pregnancy hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine from a concentration of 10 mIU/ml. The Ovy Pregnancy Test can be used 3-5 days before your period is due. The pregnancy test gives a 99.9% reliable result within 5 minutes.

Folio® fertil women

Folio® fertil women is a pre-conceptional micronutrient combination for women who wish to have children to supplement their diet in a targeted manner. Folio® fertil women contains a combination of vitamins, minerals, coenzyme Q10 and DHA based on the latest scientific findings. The mineral zinc contained in Folio® fertil women can support female fertility. Vitamin B6 can contribute to the regulation of hormonal activity.

The science behind Ovy

We use data instead of hormones

An egg cell can be fertilized for a maximum of 12-24 hours per cycle. With the help of the Ovy app and thermometer, you can determine when your fertile and non-fertile days are for each cycle. The Ovy app evaluates various body signals, including basal body temperature and cervical mucus.

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