Your Cycle, Your Superpower!

Get to know your cycle now with the Ovy App and Thermometer!

Enjoy 20% off with the code: OVY20

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Entdecke das Ovy Bluetooth Thermometer!


Natural, Simple, Relaxed:

The Ovy App!

Precise Cycle Tracking

View your cycle length, fertile days, and period to better understand your body.

100% Personalized

Record your temperature and other body signals daily to accurately know your fertile days.

Exclusive Articles & Tips

Discover articles and tips on contraception, conception, and methods.

With Ovy, natural cycle control becomes a breeze.

250,000+ Products Sold


Natural Body Awareness

Thank you for developing products that promote natural body awareness. This is exactly what we need—more education and self-responsibility for our bodies.


Simply amazed

With the Ovy Bluetooth Basal Thermometer, there's no more annoying timekeeping, no manual entry into the phone, and no need to light up the display with a flashlight. I am simply amazed.

Questions & Answers

What Our Users Say


Very Happy

For 11 months, I have been using the Ovy Bluetooth Basal Thermometer along with the Ovy App, and I am very satisfied as it makes using NFP much easier for me.


Helpful for Conception

For nearly 3 years, I have been using NFP, and Ovy has been with me from the beginning. Initially, I had the basic Ovy Basal Thermometer, and for the past 1.5 years, I have been using the Bluetooth Thermometer. Currently, it is especially helpful during our fertility journey, as the additional entry of ovulation tests allows me to identify my fertile days immediately.