Discharge or bleeding before my period – Am I pregnant?

Das Wichtigste vorab

  • If light bleeding occurs before your period, this can be a sign of pregnancy – but it doesn't have to be.
  • In addition to implantation bleeding, leukorrhea may also be responsible for the bleeding.
  • This article will show you how to tell the two apart.

There are several reasons spotting may occur before your period. One of them is being in the early stages of pregnancy. Implantation bleeding, as it is known, indicates that a fertilized egg has implanted in the lining of the uterus. This occurs a few days after ovulation and following successful fertilization, or a few days before the actual menstrual period.

Implantation bleeding – how to recognize it

This implantation bleeding lasts one to two days and is usually accompanied by abdominal pain. However, luteal insufficiency and a resulting lack of progesterone can also be the cause of spotting before the period, as can other hormonal imbalances. Spotting can therefore only provide information about whether a fertilized egg is the cause when combined with a blood or urine test.

Leukorrhea – discharge as a...

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