
Wie man sich auf eine Schwangerschaft vorbereitet: Checkliste für angehende Eltern

Wie man sich auf eine Schwangerschaft vorbereitet: Checkliste für angehende Eltern

Key Takeaways

  • Good preparation for pregnancy can help protect both the mother's health and that of the future child.
  • The article provides a checklist of important steps to take before and during pregnancy, including health checks, diet and exercise, and lifestyle.
  • The article explains why good preparation is so important and how to minimize the risk of complications.

Pregnancy can be both exciting and scary. Whether it's your first try or you have previous experience, being well prepared can help you feel more confident and prepared. In this post, we'll provide a checklist of key steps to take before and during pregnancy.

Why is it important to prepare for pregnancy?

Being well prepared for pregnancy can help protect your health and that of your future baby. By identifying and treating medical problems, eating right, exercising regularly, and managing stress, you can promote a healthy pregnancy and minimize the risk of complications.

1. Health check

The first step in preparing for pregnancy is a comprehensive health check. Here are some items you should consider:

Doctor's appointments:

Make an appointment with


Family doctor


to make sure you are in good health. If you have a pre-existing condition, get professional advice about the possible effects on pregnancy.

Immunizations and tests:

Check your immunization status and get any missing vaccinations refreshed. Also have routine tests done, such as blood pressure and cholesterol measurements. Certain tests, such as an HIV test, may also be done.

Medications and pre-existing conditions:

Talk to your health care provider about any medicines you are taking and about possible effects on pregnancy. If you have a pre-existing condition, you should also discuss the best course of action.

2. Diet and exercise

A balanced diet and regular physical activity can help you feel good and promote a healthy pregnancy. These are points you should consider:

Proper nutrition and supplements:

Make sure you eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and healthy proteins and fats. Folic acid is particularly important for the development of the fetus and should be taken in sufficient quantities by women* who want to become pregnant. You should clarify whether and which dietary supplements may be useful for you when you visit your doctor.

Sports and physical activities:

Regular exercise can help you feel better and promote a healthy pregnancy. Consider what activities are appropriate for you and check with your doctor about those, too. Swimming, yoga and walking are often good options.

3. Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle can help minimize the risk of complications during pregnancy.

Stress management and relaxation techniques

Stress can have negative effects on health and make pregnancy difficult. Therefore, it is important to learn and practice stress management techniques to better cope during pregnancy and parenthood. Try to learn relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation or breathing exercises and incorporate them into your daily routine.

Smoking, alcohol and drugs

Smoking, alcohol and drugs are not only harmful to the health of your unborn child during pregnancy, but also before. If you are trying to get pregnant, you should give up these habits. Smoking lowers the concentration of estrogen and progesterone in the blood. This reduces the chance of getting pregnant in one cycle by 10-40%. If in doubt, seek professional help to quit smoking or to cope with addiction.

Environmental factors

Environmental factors such as air pollution or harmful chemicals can have negative effects on pregnancy. It is therefore important to be aware of possible sources of danger and to avoid them wherever possible. Also avoid unnecessary exposure to noise or other environmental factors.

4. Finances and organization

The circumstances into which your child will be born should also be clarified in good time. This includes planning and organization in the following areas:

Health insurance and preventive examinations.

It is important to be aware of preventive examinations to ensure a successful pregnancy. Find out what is covered by health insurance and take advantage of recommended screenings during pregnancy.

Parental leave and financial planning

You should also learn about parental leave options and financial support to ensure you have enough time and resources after the baby is born. Your employer can educate you about your parental leave options. Additionally, you should learn about financial support such as child support or parental benefits in a timely manner. To receive maternity benefits, you should apply for them as early as possible (at least six weeks) before your due date.

Childcare and housing

Think about where you want to live with your newborn child and what kind of childcare you will need. Learn about the options available and plan early to make sure you have enough time and resources to make these decisions.

5. Relationship and family

Pregnancy will have a big impact on your life and your relationship. In preparation for this, you should both talk in depth with your partner and ask for support from family and friend:s if necessary.

Talking with your partner and making decisions together

Pregnancy and parenthood are a shared responsibility and require good communication and cooperation between partners. Talk about your wishes and concerns about pregnancy and parenting and make decisions together to ensure a successful and harmonious relationship.

Support from family and friends

It can be helpful to get support from family and friends, especially during pregnancy and the first months after birth.

Pregnancy is a huge change in a couple's life and requires good preparation. Through timely and comprehensive planning, parents-to-be can ensure that they are in the best possible physical and mental condition and are well positioned financially and organizationally to meet the challenges ahead. It is important that both partners:inside work together and make decisions together to ensure a successful pregnancy and parenthood.

Medically Reviewed

This text was created by medical editors on the basis of specialist medical literature and current studies. Our aim is to work scientifically, identify sources and regularly check that the content is up to date.

References & Literature

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