Ovy Magazine

KinderwunschJunge oder Mädchen – kann man das Geschlecht des Kindes beeinflussen?

Junge oder Mädchen – kann man das Geschlecht des Kindes beeinflussen?

Is it possible to influence in advance whether it will be a boy or a girl? There are wild theories about the procreation of the desired sex. The most widespread is the Shettles method named after i...

Tippsgynäkologische Untersuchung, Vorsorge beim Frauenarzt

Gynecological screening: How to prepare

The annual examination by gynecologists is called "gynecological screening", "gynecological cancer screening" or "cancer screening". This is a routine examination aimed at ruling out two of the mos...

WissenBrustkrebs Vorsorge

Breast cancer early detection: how to scan your breast properly

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women* worldwide. By consciously palpating one's own breasts, early detection can be improved and the chances of cure increased. This is because s...

Lifetime-Mitgliedschaft mit GRATIS Thermometer

Lifetime-Mitgliedschaft mit GRATIS Thermometer

Liebe Ovy Community, hier kommt unser Summer-Special! Für eine begrenzte Zeit kannst du auf unserer Website bzw. hier im Ovy Shop eine Lifetime-Mitgliedschaft für die Ovy App erwebern. Und das best...

WissenTipps für deine vaginale Gesundheit

Tipps für deine vaginale Gesundheit

In diesem Artikel werden wir dir erklären, was die Scheidenflora ist, wie du eine gestörte Scheidenflora erkennst und welche Maßnahmen du ergreifen kannst, um eine gesunde Scheidenflora aufrechtzue...

KinderwunschDrei Mythen über Fruchtbarkeit

The three biggest myths about fertility explained

Fertility is a topic that concerns many women*, especially if they want to have a child. But there are numerous myths and misinformation that persist and cause confusion. In this blog post, we want...

WissenWas Menstruationsblut über deine Gesundheit verrät

What the smell and color of your menstrual blood tell you about your health

Menstrual blood is an important indicator of menstrual health. Both the smell and color of the blood can provide valuable information about your health. In this blog post, we'll go into more detail...

WissenEndometriose: Ursachen, Symptome und effektive Behandlungsmöglichkeiten

Endometriosis: causes, symptoms and effective treatment options

Endometriosis is a common gynecological condition that affects the lives of millions of women* worldwide. Despite its prevalence, endometriosis often goes undiagnosed and inadequately treated. In t...

MethodeKorrekte Auswertung: Warum deine Temperaturwerte gerundet werden

Correct evaluation: Why your temperature values are being rounded

The symptothermal method is used by women* to determine their fertile days. An important component of this is the measurement of basal body temperature. In this blog post, we would like to take a c...

WissenPMS oder schwanger? Daran erkennst du den Unterschied

PMS or pregnant? How you can tell the difference

The female body is subject to many hormonal fluctuations during the course of a cycle. Shortly before the onset of the period, many women* notice changes in their body and mood. PMS symptoms, which...

SchwangerschaftWelche Untersuchungen gibt es in der Schwangerschaft?

Which checkups are available when you are pregnant?

Pregnancy is a special time in a woman's life that involves many physical and emotional changes. To ensure that mother and child remain healthy, regular check-ups are important. In Germany, there a...

Kinderwunsch10 natürliche Wege, um deine Fruchtbarkeit zu erhöhen

10 natural ways to increase your fertility

Fertility plays an important role for couples who want to have children and can be affected by various factors. In this post, we will not only discuss the factors that can negatively affect fertili...

KinderwunschWie man sich auf eine Schwangerschaft vorbereitet: Checkliste für angehende Eltern

Wie man sich auf eine Schwangerschaft vorbereitet: Checkliste für angehende Eltern

Pregnancy can be both exciting and scary. Whether it's your first try or you have previous experience, being well prepared can help you feel more confident and prepared. In this post, we'll provide...

KinderwunschKinderwunsch: So unterstützt du die Einnistung der Eizelle

How-to: Support the implantation of the egg cell

Implantation of the fertilized egg into the endometrium is a complex biological process that is a key event in pregnancy. However, this process can be disrupted in so me couples, which can lead to ...